How To Differentiate Fake and Authentic Kopi Luwak Coffee

This time we discuss how to differentiate authentic and fake (or not 100% pure) civet coffee. First I want to tell you that there’s so many people that don’t know how to differentiate thist most expensive coffee in the world with a fake one or a mix kopi luwak coffee. This condition also worsened by  numbers of resellers civet coffee  who also do not know exactly whether they sell authentic kopi luwak coffee/civet coffee or not. The most disadvantaged people about this condition is us, as end user. So inevitably we should know about this very well.  We don’t want expand so much money to buy kopi luwak coffee in elsewhere and then after we taste it we found it’s.. fake.

Like my friends experience who’s just bought kopi luwak coffee at Semarang Airport. The price was quite expensive for me ($50 for 100 gr). But when he tried at his home, he found that the coffee’s taste  is stale, just as same as ordinary cheap coffee which sold at mini-stores nearby. That damn experience which I wish  will not happen to you.

The characteristic you must know about how to differentiate authentic and fake kopi luwak coffee / civet coffee are below:
  1. First, you should know that to experience best kopi luwak coffee  is by drinking it by yourself and compare with other ordinary coffee.   Hence you will find the difference taste of kopi luwak coffee and ordinary black coffee.  The taste is definitely better.
  2. The color of green bean kopi luwak coffee is different from ordinary. Green bean of civet coffee is full uniformity of yellowish green, while the color of ordinary green bean is oldies green.
  3. Kopi luwak coffee smells different neither smells in green bean or roasted bean. It’s definitely that kopi luwak has more fragrant aroma. Kopi luwak green bean smells like pandan leaves fragrant. While the regular coffee, smells rather stale a bit like the smell of rice. Meanwhile, after kopi luwak green bean roasted, the smell of civet coffee could fill one house since the fragrant smell was very strong, while ordinary coffee aroma is only filling one room. Regarding to this issue, for giving you only the best kopi luwak in the world, at ORIGANO we have after-nose test as our standard of procedure before packing.
  4. Still about the green bean of kopi luwak, it doesn’t have black spots on its surface micro seeds while ordinary coffee has. But this circumstances only can be seen using microscopes.
  5. There’s more. Cuticle of kopi luwak green bean can be easily dislodged. While the ordinary coffee is pretty difficult to be removed.
  6. The taste of kopi luwak coffee is well suited for those who’s frequently drinking mix coffee. The bitter is reduced, richer flavor, with caramel flavor, thick like syrup, and full body. While this maximum taste can be reached with right portion and condition which can you explore here.  At ORIGANO, we always have a cup of kopi luwak coffee to taste as a sample.  This is another of our standard of procedure before packing. It’s just to ensure us that only the best kopi luwak coffee we offer to you.
  7. One more thing. Usually after drinking ordinary coffee people used to get urinate or poop.  But it won’t happen with 100% real kopi luwak except you’ve just drank million litter of water.
  8. Feel sore stomach after drinking kopi luwak coffee? Well, it’s definitely false kopi luwak coffee you have.
Most customers say that after drinking ORIGANO kopi luwak coffee, they don’t get thirsty, while after drinking ordinary coffee they get easily thirsty.

The Scent is So Tempting!!

Harumnya begitu menggugah selera. Serasi dengan rasanya yang begitu kaya. Perpaduan rasa ringan, legit dengan keasaman yang tepat. Kopi luwak origano juga begitu terjaga kesegarannya, digiling dan di kemas sesaat setelah dipesan. MUST TRY ITEM!!

Yang jual juga ramah, responnya cepat dan sangat membantu!

Cindy - PR of Restylane Indonesia

The scent is so tempting. Well with such a rich taste. The combination of mild flavor, sweet with the right acidity. Kopi Luwak ORIGANO also has fresh taste, different with other brand of kopi luwak. AN ITEM THAT MUST TRY!

The seller is also so friendly, quick respond and helpful!

Cindy - PR of Restylane Indonesia

Other Testimony:

Cara Membuat Secangkir Kopi Luwak yang Pas!

Kita lupakan saja French Press, drip coffee, espresso machine, dan perkakas lainnya sebentar. Kalau kita masih pemula ingin menikmati citarasa kopi luwak ORIGANO maksimal tapi gak punya alat-alat diatas, bisa kok tetap bisa menikmati kopi termahal didunia ini dengan cara yang benar.  (benar maksudnya, tidak keenceran, tidak kekentalan, dan lain sebagainya).

Berikut step-stepnya:
  1.  Masukan sachet kopi luwak ORIGANO yang berukuran 10 gr atau 1 sampai 1 setengah sendok makan (penuh, jangan diratakan) ke cangkir kopi ukuran kecil (kira-kira 150 cc sampai 200 cc)
  2. Masukan air mendidih (minimal 95 derajat C)
  3. Tambahkan gula, maksimal 2 sendok teh.
  4. Lalu aduk searah jarum jam.
  5. Tutup cangkir selama kurang lebih 3 sampai 5 menit.
  6. Buka tutup cangkir, hirup dalam-dalam aromanya (saat-saat ini adalah merupakah salah satu momen-momen terindah di dunia, karena wanginya ga karuan. ;P )
  7. Seruput kopi pelan-pelan dan rasakan kenikmatannya yang tiada tara. :)
Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Bedanya Kopi Luwak Asli dan Palsu

Kopi Luwak kulit arinya gampang copot ^^

Kali ini kita bahas cara membedakan kopi luwak asli dan palsu ya. Hmm .. gak semua orang awam tahu loh bagaimana cara membedakan ini. Bahkan sering juga ditemukan banyak reseller-reseller kopi luwak juga gak tau membedakan asli tidaknya kopi luwak yang dijual.  Makanya sebagai konsumen kita harus tahu tentang ini. Agak sayang juga ya kalau sudah keluar uang banyak untuk 100 gr kopi luwak misalnya, eh .. ternyata palsu. 

Seperti pengalaman teman saya yang pernah membeli kopi luwak di Airport Semarang. Harganya sih lumayan mahal. Ternyata pas dicoba di rumah, kok rasanya hampir mirip ya dengan rasa kopi hitam biasa yang suka dijual di warung-warung. Duh .. jangan sampai ini terjadi di Anda.

Oke, kita jabarin ya satu-satu. (by the way, bahan artikel ini sudah pernah saya jelaskan di twitter @luwakORIGANO. Makanya follow sekarang biar bisa dapat insight-insight menarik lainnya soal kopi luwak dan kopi-kopi lainnya ^^)
  1. Pertama, perlu dicatat bahwa cita rasa kopi luwak asli paling bisa dibuktikan ketika dicoba. Makanya cobain dulu ORIGANO dengan kopi hitam biasa. Atau sama kopi luwak merek lain deh. Pasti lebih enak ^^.
  2. Green bean kopi luwak berbeda dengan green bean kopi biasa.  Green bean kopi luwak warnanya agak ijo kekuning-kuningan merata, sementara kopi biasa ijo tua.
  3. Kedua, baunya berbeda. Baik green bean-nya maupun waktu di-roasting. Hmm .. aromanya lebih wangi si kopi luwak.  Kalau green bean kopi luwak baunya wangi seperti daun pandan. Sementara si kopi biasa, agak lebih apek (walau masih satu bau) agak mirip bau beras.  Sementara jika baru selesai di roasting, aroma kopi luwak bisa mengisi satu rumah karena saking wanginya.  Sementara kopi biasa hanya satu ruangan (untuk biji kopi sebanyak 300 gr yang baru saja diroasting dan rumah sebesar 100 meter). Nah untuk penciuman, di Origano ada yang namanya test after nose sebelum packing.  Gunanya untuk memastikan hanya kopi luwak terbaik yang kami kemas untuk pemesan.
  4. Masih soal si green bean kopi luwak.  Dia tidak punya mikro black spot di permukaan bijinya.  Sementara kopi biasa punya.  Cuma ini bisa hanya bisa dilihat pakai Mikroskop.
  5. Ada lagi.  Kulit ari si green bean kopi luwak gampang sekali copot.  Sementara kopi biasa susah. Bahkan dipanggang pun kulit arinya kopi biasa masih susah dicopot.
  6. Rasa kopi luwak cocok sekali buat yang sering minum kopi campuran.  Bitternya berkurang, lebih kaya rasa, ada rasa karamel, lebih kaya rasa, kental kayak sirup, dan full body.  Catet, kandungan rasa ini hanya bisa didapatkan di ORIGANO dengan porsi kopi yang sudah dianjurkan di sini. Nah kalau di ORIGANO kita selalu ada cupping taste sebelum packing. Hanya sekali lagi untuk memastikan rasa kopi luwak yang mau kita kirim, sesuai dengan standar kita.
  7. Satu lagi mih.  Kalo abis minum kopi biasa , biasanya gak berapa lama kita sering berasa ingin pip*s atau po*p. Nah kalau kopi luwak nggak.
  8. Perut berasa perih setelah minum kopi luwak? Ah itu berarti kopi luwaknya palsu. Tiati ya.
  9. Nah kata rata-rata customer ORIGANO, minum kopi luwak ga bikin aus. Beda sama kopi biasa. 
Related Articles:

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Testimony: Kopi Luwak Origano Beda, Lebih Mantab! Wajib Coba.

Jeffry Liang - HR Spv

Saya belum pernah merasakan kopi luwak sebelumnya. Tapi kopi luwak ORIGANO ini mantab sekali rasanya. sensasinya berbeda dengan kopi biasa, bahkan st*rbuck sekalipun.  Ada kental yang lezat, kombinasi karamel, dove, .. duh bingung ngomongnya. Cobain sendiri deh. Pokoknya gak rugi beli ORIGANO. Suwer!

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Eit, Cek Dulu .. Selain harus Asli, Kopi Luwak Anda Fresh Tidak?

Kopi luwak yang akhir-akhir ini mulai populer di Indonesia sebenarnya sudah lebih dulu terkenal di luar negeri. Karena namanya juga baru populer, masyarakat Indonesia rata-rata tidak benar-benar mengerti bagaimana memilih kopi luwak yang baik.

Seperti misalnya kopi luwak yang FRESH. Kita bahas di sini dengan mengasumsikan kalau kopi luwak yang kita beli adalah ASLI.  Kopi luwak yang Fresh adalah Kopi Luwak yang baru beberapa hari digiling dan di-roasting. Setelah itu tidak jauh dari jangka waktu 2 bulan, kopi luwak tersebut sudah habis dikonsumsi.  Pada saat beberapa jam atau 2 bulan seteleh proses roasting dan giling tersebut, kualitas rasa kopi luwak asli masih berada di puncak terbaiknya.  Kopi Luwak pun terasa lebih nikmat daripada kopi luwak ASLI tapi tidak fresh. Wangi dan cita rasanya sangat menang dibanding kopi luwak ASLI yang sudah distock lama dalam kemasan.

Kenapa FRESHNESS ini sangat penting? Karena kopi luwak itu asalnya dari proses fermentasi enzim pencernaan si luwak.  Tau sendiri kan, dalam proses pencernaan tersebut, pasti banyak bio-bio proses yang mempengaruhi tingkat keawetan biji kopi luwak dibanding biji kopi biasa. 

Jadi kesimpulannya, semakin segar kopi luwak ASLI Anda, semakin mantabbb rasanya.

Sekian dulu ya. :)

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

More about Origano

ORIGANO is a family business company who aims to share 100% INTEGRITY in every single luwak coffee bean. Integrity is important since there're so many luwak coffee brand who sell fake or combination of luwak coffee.  Origano only deliver REAL + FRESH luwak coffee to our customer throughout the world.

Born with business blood in every member of family, ORIGANO Management is a reliable company because we are consists of :
  1. Avril, a communication practitioner who works in reliable healthcare business in the world decides to build ORIGANO as an action to against fake/combination luwak coffee. Her mind goal is every customer deserves to have the best of luwak coffee. 
  2. A brother, named Bobby, who is predicated as trusted seller via (most popular website in Indonesia) for years. He helps in Sales Department.
  3. A husband, who worked for BPOM (FDA Indonesia) for years. With this heavy position, we won't be able to sell you any luwak coffee bean except Real + Fresh luwak coffee as our promises.
  4. A mother, who worked as a senior researcher for reputable university IPB (Institute of Agriculture Bogor) and helps for the research of Origano Luwak Coffee Bean.
  5. A father in law, who's position in Lampung (original place of our luwak coffee)  and may supervise the premium grade selecting of real and fresh luwak coffee fecal. 
Related Articles:
Contact Us 

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Payment via Bank Transfer/Western Union/ VISA/MASTER/Pay Pal

1. Silakan Email kami di dengan format penulisan di kotak surat (Anda bisa meng-copy paste):
  1. Nama Pemesan: <contoh UDIN>
  2. Pesanan: <contoh Robusta 50 gr>
  3. Alamat Pengiriman: <contoh Jl. Raya Pesanggrahan no. 39 Rt 001/06 Kembangan Selatan Jakarta Barat 11610>
  4. Alamat Penagihan:  <contoh Jl. Raya Pesanggrahan no.39 Rt 001/06 Kembangan Selatan Jakarta Barat 11610>
  5. No Tel/HP: <contoh 08136342678>
  6. Roasting atau Ground:  <contoh Ground>
  7. Metode Pembayaran Tranfer Bank / Western Union / VISA / MASTER / Pay Pal  : <contoh Transfer Bank>
2. Setelah itu, tunggu konfirmasi kami melalui Email Balasan. Email balasan berisi Faktur Pembelian berisi detil harga yang harus Anda bayar.

3.  Setelah mendapat email, Anda melakukan pembayaran via bank transfer atau Western Union tertuju no.rekening di bank BCA atau kartu kredit (visa/master) atau Pay Pal.

4. Anda mengkonfirnasi pembayaran dengan email kembali ke kami.

5. Kami segera melakukan proses roasting dan grinding dan segera melakukan pengiriman barang.

How to Order:
1. Please kindly email us to and follow the format content in your content box:
  1. Customer Name: <example UDIN>
  2. Order: <example Robusta 50 gr>
  3. Delivery Address: <example Jl. Raya Pesanggrahan no. 39 Rt 001/06 Kembangan Selatan Jakarta Barat 11610
  4. Billing Address: <example Jl. Raya Pesanggrahan no. 39 Rt 001/06 Kembangan Selatan Jakarta Barat 11610>
  5. Phone : <example 08136342678>
  6. Roasting or Ground:  <example Ground>
  7. Payment Method Bank Transfer / Western Union / VISA / MASTER / Pay Pal  : <contoh Transfer Bank>
2. After that, please wait for our confirmation email. Our reply email confirms you about detail order and the invoice with cost you must pay.

3.  Please do kindly settled the payment that you've already chose.

4. After you finish your payment, confirm to us back via email.

5. We will process your order and deliver the package right away.

Jl. Raya Raden Saleh MP1 Blok K2/23 Karang Tengah Tangerang 15157
Website sementara:
No. Tel: 02194235268 atau 08176370044
Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Robusta Luwak Coffee

Soft Launching PROMO !
50 gr - dari Rp 120 ribu menjadi  Rp 90 ribu
100 gr -   dari Rp 185 ribu menjadi Rp150 ribu. Free Ongkir *
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder) 
Dikirim dengan TIKI – 1 sd 2 hari sampai 
Pembayaran lewat Bank Transfer atau Western Union atau Pay Pal

*untuk wilayah pulau Jawa 

Soft Launching PROMO !
50 gr - from USD 14 to USD 11
100 gr -   from USD 22 to USD  USD 18
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder) 
Shipment service by TIKI – 1 to 2 days arrive
Payment via Bank Transfer or Western Union or VISA/MASTER or Pay Pal


Definitely sure! It’s me and my coffee who make this world … more awesome.

Robusta bean grow best at its origin place Lampung, Sumatra.  The distinctive bitter and soft acidity makes this kind of coffee become special drink for special occasion.  With neutral luscious taste Robusta Luwak Coffee good to serve for those who loves different sensation. Let the amazing array of aromas and flavors in cup of Robusta Luwak coffee takes you away.

At ORIGANO, we sell pleasure at the first taste of kopi luwak.  The every single bean is packed and served to guarantee total completion to your bone. With pure aromatic original from luwak coffee Sumatera, we deliver a not too high and not too low roast to cheer up your every rocking morning!

NOTE: all products are 100% luwak coffee.  Guaranteed REAL LUWAK COFFEE or your money refunded. 

Lihat Kopi Luwak Terbaik Lainnya:
Mandheling Arabica Luwak Coffee
Gayo Arabica Luwak Coffee
Linthong Arabica Luwalk Coffee

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

PROMO Gayo Arabica Luwak Coffee

50 gr - dari Rp 130 ribu menjadi  Rp 100 ribu
100 gr -   dari Rp 200 ribu menjadi Rp185 ribu.
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder) 
Dikirim dengan TIKI – 2 hari sampai 

Pembayaran lewat Bank Transfer atau Western Union atau Pay Pal

Soft Launching PROMO !
50 gr - from USD 15 to USD 11.5
100 gr -   from USD 23 to USD  USD 22
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder) 
Shipment service by TIKI – 1 to 2 days arrive
Payment via Bank Transfer or Western Union or VISA/MASTER or Pay Pal


Are you an exotic? You’re not, if you don’t have Gayo Luwak Coffee!

Before fragmentized inside Luwak body, Gayo Arabica Coffee is known as its authentic taste in low bitter taste rate, some people said almost no bitter taste 100%.  With distinctive fragrant and delicious taste, Gayo Coffee taste is claimed tastier than Blue Mountain coffee, a well known delicious coffee from Jamaika. This kind of coffee comes from the Gayo highland Middle Aceh. Now, added with fragmentation from Luwak, Gayo Arabica Luwak Coffee presents only for our customer who wants luwak coffee with exotic taste. 

At ORIGANO, we sell pleasure at the first taste of kopi luwak.  The every single bean is packed and served to guarantee total completion to your bone. With pure aromatic original from luwak coffee Sumatera, we deliver a not too high and not too low roast to cheer up your every rocking morning!

NOTE: all products are 100% luwak coffee.  Guaranteed REAL LUWAK COFFEE or your money refunded.

Lihat kopi luwak terbaik lainnya:
Lintong Arabica Luwak Coffee
Mandheling Arabica Luwak Coffee
Robusta Luwak Coffee

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

PROMO Lintong Arabica Luwak Coffee

50 gr - dari Rp 130 ribu menjadi  Rp 100 ribu
100 gr -   dari Rp 200 ribu menjadi Rp185 ribu.
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder)
Dikirim dengan TIKI – 2 hari sampai 
Pembayaran lewat Bank Transfer atau Western Union atau Pay Pal

Soft Launching PROMO !
50 gr - from USD 15 to USD 11.5
100 gr -   from USD 23 to USD  USD 22
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder) 
Shipment service by TIKI – 1 to 2 days arrive
Payment via Bank Transfer or Western Union or VISA/MASTER or Pay Pal


Life is too good when real Luwak Coffee is in your hand! 

If you are an exotic rockin’ people, Lintong Arabica Luwak Coffee  is fit to you.  Lintong Arabica Luwak coffee offers a mild taste with bold and good aroma. Lintong Arabica Coffee itself comes from a origin place called Lintongnihuta nearby Danau Toba Sumatra.  This kind of coffee has been very famous so that a famous worldwide coffee brand <with an S for first letter> uses this coffee as one of his material to present best coffee bean for his customer.

At ORIGANO, we sell pleasure at the first taste of kopi luwak.  The every single bean is packed and served to guarantee total completion to your bone. With pure aromatic original from luwak coffee Sumatera, we deliver a not too high and not too low roast to cheer up your every rocking morning!

NOTE: all products are 100% luwak coffee.  Guaranteed REAL LUWAK COFFEE or your money refunded.

Lihat kopi luwak terbaik lainnya:
Mandheling Arabica Luwak Coffee
Gayo Arabica Luwak Coffee
Robusta Luwak Coffee

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Promo Mandheling Arabica Luwak Coffee

50 gr - dari Rp 130 ribu menjadi  Rp 100 ribu
100 gr -   dari Rp 200 ribu menjadi Rp185 ribu.
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder)
Dikirim dengan TIKI – 2 hari sampai 
Pembayaran lewat Bank Transfer atau Western Union atau Pay Pal

Soft Launching PROMO !
50 gr -  USD 11.5
100 gr - USD 22
Roasting Medium – Full City
Roasting Bean atau Ground (Powder) 
Shipment service by TIKI – 1 to 2 days arrive
Payment via Bank Transfer or Western Union or VISA/MASTER or Pay Pal


Life is too good when real Luwak Coffee is in your hand! 

The story about Mandheling Arabica Coffee has already known as one of delicious coffee in the world.  Mandheling Arabica Coffee has distinctive finest taste which originally comes from SUMATRA with 3500 ft – 6500 ft. The taste will be more outrageous when Luwak eat the bean and produce as Mandheling Arabica Luwak Coffee. Guarantee you will get the high sensation once you slurrrp this coffee.

At ORIGANO, we sell pleasure at the first taste of kopi luwak.  The every single bean is packed and served to guarantee total completion to your bone. With pure aromatic original from luwak coffee Sumatera, we deliver a not too high and not too low roast to cheer up your every rocking morning!

NOTE: all products are 100% luwak coffee.  Guaranteed REAL LUWAK COFFEE or your money refunded.

Lihat Kopi luwak terbaik lainnya:
Lintong Arabica Luwak Coffee

Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Buy Online !

All Origano packaged are fresh roasted 100% Luwak Arabica/Robusta coffee from Sumatera . The every single bean is packed and served to guarantee total completion to your bone. 

Your breakfast will be more awesome if Origano Luwak Coffee is with you
With pure aromatic original smell, we deliver a not too high and not too low roast to cheer up your every rocking morning. Origano is delivered by TIKI (both overseas and local) which spends 5 business days to all places at most (according to TIKI policy).  You can check the TIKI rate here

All payment methods we offer are Bank Transfer (BCA), Visa, Master, PayPal, and Western Union. 

We Guarantee 100% Authentic Luwak Coffee! 

Since we’re really sure that we only deliver the best luwak coffee, we enliven our commitment by providing return package – money refund. You  can take return package if you’re not satisfied tasting our product

all product of ORIGANO
Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak

Contact Us!


Head Office:
Origano Indonesia Company
Jalan Raya Raden Saleh Komp. MP1 1 K2 NO 23
Karang Tengah Tangerang INDONESIA 15157
Phone +622194235268. 

JL. Pesanggrahan no.39 Kembangan Selatan Jakarta Barat
an. BOBBY +628999919595

Desa Bantul No. 41 Rt. 001/ RW 06 Metro Lampung
an. Budi Suleseno


Why Origano?

Because only Origano who can serve REAL and FRESH luwak coffee. Real from the best high land of Sumatra and fresh because we only roast and grind after we get order from you. With Premium Grade and Cupping taste in every purchase we absolutely sure you only get the best luwak coffee from us. In fact, in case you don’t meet satisfaction after you taste our bonus 10 gr sachet of luwak coffee, you just give us back the package you buy and you’ll get your money refund.  Premium Grade means triple pick on best bean with  size 17 up and premium moisture coffee bean that served to you while cupping taste means we do taste before we pack to you.

Is all type of luwak coffee always available in Origano?

No. We only sell those that available according the season. Luwak coffee is a rare coffee bean, so we cannot guarantee every time we can sell all type of luwak coffee. Sorry.

Is promotion season always there every time?

Absolutely not. Promo season always comes with a reason. It can be depends on every issues such as a special event, or price rate, or policies. 

How long will my luwak coffee/kopi luwak stay fresh?First to keep our mind, luwak coffee/kopi luwak/civet coffee is not a wine, which will go better if they’re older. Please consider that whole bean coffee can stay fresh for months, precisely around 2 – 4 months ahead. But the sooner you enjoy, the fresher you got. 
Luwak coffee/kopi luwak/civet coffee is actually more permeable than regular coffee. That is an effect of the enzymes. The fabulous aroma and taste are more fleeting than with most other coffees. We place a best-by date of a few weeks or months on our civet coffee, even when it is sealed in reverse vacuum cans or other high-tech method.

How should I store my coffee?
No coffee should ever be stored in a refrigerator or freezer. Coffee is one of the most effective odor-absorbers and can even do so through multiple layers of otherwise impermeable foil and plastic. Tests have shown that a temperature of -10 degrees Celsius are needed to slow the effect of oxidation on coffee, and the home refrigerator freezer does not get cold enough to have any beneficial effect. Plus, changing the temperature drastically as you take it out and put it back will cause some condensation inside the bag. Moisture and oxygen are the two enemies of fresh coffee! 

The longest storage for coffee is achieved by keeping coffee in the original bag, squeezing out as much air as possible, and wrapping it with a rubber band or tape and keeping it out of the sun and moist areas. It's easy to get maximum life from your coffee! 

If you want to store your coffee in a canister, store it in the bag, or in a new bag, with air squeezed out, inside the canister. If you pour the coffee into the canister, every single bean is then exposed to air, plus the air that is trapped in the "headspace" at the top of the canister. 

Light, moisture, heat and oxygen are the primary enemies of coffee freshness, so it’s best to keep your beans in an opaque air-tight container. Glass jars with rubber seals also work well if they’re kept out of direct sunlight. Grind only the necessary coffee for a maximum of 4 to 7 days.

What is the difference between luwak coffee with regular coffee? 

Kopi luwak memiliki rasa yang lebih nikmat dibanding kopi biasa disamping itu kopi luwak memiliki kadar kafein dan asam yang lebih rendah daripada kopi biasa sehingga kopi luwak aman untuk penderita maag yang alergi terhadap kopi.

What is the difference between Arabica luwak coffee and Robusta luwak coffee?

Kopi arabika memiliki rasa yang lebih manis dan memiliki kadar kafein yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kopi robusta. It’s very important to know from which area the Kopi Luwak comes from. Luwaks eat the coffee from the plantations near their habitats. So you can find Robusta Kopi Luwak or Arabica Kopi Luwak. The best coffee will be the one collected from the good quality Arabica coffee plantations. Let’s say that Sumatran Kopi Luwak is different than the Balinese one because the Arabica beans coffee from where they are made, also taste different.

The consumption of Kopi Luwak is safe for humans?
All scientific analysis confirms that Kopi Luwak is not dangerous for health. Due to the thorough washing process, the quantity of pathogen organisms in the beans is insignificant. Whatever the washing process misses the roasting and brewing process will make up for.

Has Kopi Luwak ever been scientifically studied? What do the studies say? Is Kopi Luwak really different from other coffee?
The University of Guelph in Ontario and the University of Florida have performed a number of studies on coffee taste. The results show that the number of flavor elements accessible in Kopi Luwak coffee is about 30% greater than regular coffee. They have also confirmed reduction in the coffee bitters, and other physical changes. 

Other coffee science team studies have focused on the hygiene of civet coffee. The surprising results show lower contamination counts than other coffees tested and an absence of e-coli and other harmful bacteria. The conclusion is generally that the processing of civet coffee is done manually on an extremely careful level by farmers who view the beans as "black gold" and take great pride in the processing and sale of the product. For them it is often a livelihood in a location where no other means of support is available, and that commitment is shown in the care with which they treat the coffee. 

Explain the difference between wild gathered civet coffee and farmed civet coffee!
Civets are nocturnal. Farmed civets sleep in cages during the day, and at night they roam in courtyards or a plantation. Humanely farmed civets, such as the ones living on our Sumatran producer's civet farm, quickly become tame and can be handled. Advantages of farmed civet coffee include:
  • The farmer knows exactly what kind of coffee the civet ate.
  • The farmer can select beans from top-quality trees that would normally be out of the civet's range..
  • Farmed civets are cared for and protected from hunting and predation by the farmer who depends upon them for his livelihood.
Wild-gathered Kopi Luwak is found in forests and mountains by gatherers. The civets eat whatever coffee they choose. Since there's usually only one or two types of coffee around, it's still possible to say with some certainty that the kopi luwak is, for example, a Robusta. Advantages of wild-gathered Kopi Luwak include:
  • It employs the gatherers, who are usually indigenous people who have always made their living in the forests.
  • It helps convince local governments to preserve and maintain the forests, and the associated civet populations.
  • Some believe that the wild civet chooses more perfectly ripe cherries by using its incredible nose. However, this is somewhat debatable, since it is possible for a farmed civet to be given superior quality stock to eat. 
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    For more detail, we describe the process of ORIGANO Luwak coffee:
    As we mentioned in what is luwak coffee, the process begins with eating the fruit from coffee plant by the civet.  As the civet cannot digest the seed of the fruit (coffee bean), the civet expels the bean among its feces. 

    1.   So our local farmers collect the feces and clean it and pick only  luwak coffee bean with size 17 up (up to 5 mm).  In triple picking step, we separate luwak coffee/ kopi luwak beans one by one. So, in this way we get the premium Kopi Luwak green beans ready to be roasted. 

    Green Bean Dry Stage

    2.   Our people clean the beans by clean running water. After drying process in outdoor for 2 until 3 days in a row which results 12% water content, the civet green beans is packaged in vacuum bag (to keep the freshness) and ready to deliver to our headquarter office in Jakarta. 

    3.   The next process is roasting. Due to reach consumer satisfaction in freshness, we only roast the luwak green coffee bean after purchase settled.  As we know, roasting process is one of the key to produce best coffee taste, aroma and color and therefore has an overall affect upon the quality of the coffee. Although all steps are important, roasting is important process since it gives the beans the aspect known by consumers. The taste, the aroma and body are acquired by roasting the beans, this is the reason why it is said that brands obtain different coffees even when they use the same of bean.

    The automatic Roasting Machine we use

          At ORIGANO, we use the hot air roaster since the beans have no contact with any metal hot part, which can roast some beans more than others.  The advantage of this roaster is all roasting steps can be set electronically and having a repeatable uniform result. The disadvantage of the gas rotary roster is it cannot roast small quantities, but we see currently there are some models that can do this home job.  In the case of luwak coffee/kopi luwak, it’s essential can work with small quantities since it’s not a massive product. 

          In roasting process, we roast green luwak coffee at a temperature between 220°C and 230°C (440°F). While coffee is being roasted, it releases oil and sugar, its size grows and the humidity decreases.  Roasting process makes weight reduces 20%. 

    This machine allow us to grind our luwak coffee
          Unlike other coffee types,  luwak coffee/kopi luwak is preferably medium roasted to avoid the damage in complex flavors acquiring during both process.  Afterwards, beans need to be cooled quickly to stop the roasting process and to allow fix aroma and condensed oil substances. 

    4.   Before packing, we do aftertaste and after nose cupping stages for every purchase. We implement this stage, since we consider the coffee is prestigious and expensive as well, so ensuring all orders are in the best condition we can get is a must.

    5.   We pack the roasted coffee to our foil  packaging (to keep freshness for the roasted bean) and deliver it to you right away by shipment service.  However, we also serve consumer who order ground coffee. We can grind the bean as your preferably brewing method. 

    One of Origano product: Robusta Luwak Coffee
    Remember! Avoid exposing your Kopi Luwak coffee beans to:
    1.       Oxygen
    2.       Water
    3.       Light

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    Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak