Simply Buy Wild Civet Coffee with VISA/Master Card

Now at Origano Luwak Coffee Shop, you can buy wild civet coffee with your visa/master card. It's safe and no fraud during processing. This's equipped by Paypal which offers payment with credit card even you're not Paypal member.  The step is quite easy. After check out, you will directly go to payment page.

After you stick Shipment Policy and Rate you click continue. Then this page will appear.
Then you press Confirm Order, then you will directly go to Paypal page. And you can choose pay with my Credit Card or debit.

You just fill the requirement questions such number, name, etc then after completed, Paypal will grab your amount transaction, and we will process your order soon.

Latte Kopi Luwak Coffee, What Special about It

I love latte. And I most like latte from kopi luwak, of course freshly roasted kopi luwak coffee. Moreover, if we can make some beautiful latte art on the top. Well until now, I’m officially not the latte art expertise, yet. :/
What special about latte ? A latte kopi luwak is a drink with luwak coffee espresso on the bottom with steamed milk added to the top.  The ratio is usually three to one The latte is a classic and should be tried at any coffee shop. the reason there is sometimes a thin layer of microfoam on top is that microfoam sits on the bottom of the jug carrying the the steamed milk when the barista froths it.  As a result of usually poring all or most of the jug, a thin later of foam sits on top.  Many trained and skilled baristas can create stunning artworks with this foam. We may have seen them already in many of sites.
  • Mocha – made by adding chocolate syrup or hot chocolate on top of lattte.
  • Vanilla latte – made by adding vanilla syrup on top of a latte. There are tons of variants where the only difference is the type of later added on top of the latte. You can add caramel, hazelnut, etc.

The Hot Latte Recipe Today: Swiss Hot Luwak Mocha Latte!

Ingredients: 1 cup of hot luwak coffee espresso. 1/2 300 ml of Milk. One spoon of chocolate syrup. 50g cream.
1. Mix the  milk with chocolate syrop and froth it
2. Pour the mix chocolate milk to the hot luwak coffee.
3. Pour the cream on top. :)
Let’s try this latte fun beverage at your home! :)


Valentine’s Promo: Wild Civet Coffee Now Only 50 Bucks Free Shipping!

Valentine’s coming! As celebrating the event, we give you nicest offer for every 100 G (0.22 lbs) wild kopi luwak coffee or wild civet coffee gift only costs US$ 50. And it’s free shipping to all countries in the world, with *. Why we said with * ? cause we don’t ship to countries that are in war/conflict or not in our shipping area, which you can check at our regular shipping countries by EMS;)
For those who still has reasonable doubt with term of why I must order civet coffee / kopi luwak coffee from Origano, you can check the bundles reason why origano. For safe payment, we receive Paypal, visa/master (by paypal) and western union.  All is user friendly and safe, which is simply described on how to order kopi luwak coffee at Origano. We will gently refund your money back if you are not satisfied or broken order.
O yea, this 50 bucks for 100g wild civet coffee has a must requirement for customer. Customer who already ordered must give their testimonial by sending the photos viewing how to enjoy the civet coffee of Origano. The photos and testimonial are sent to  YES it’s a must! Since we need more testimonials from overseas. :)
Like wiseman said, Ordinary coffee is for ordinary people but absolute authentic wild civet coffee is only for selected people. ;)
Order now and we promise, this will be the most lovely gift for your loves one!


How To Differentiate Fake and Authentic Kopi Luwak Coffee

This time we discuss how to differentiate authentic and fake (or not 100% pure) civet coffee. First I want to tell you that there’s so many people that don’t know how to differentiate thist most expensive coffee in the world with a fake one or a mix kopi luwak coffee. This condition also worsened by  numbers of resellers civet coffee  who also do not know exactly whether they sell authentic kopi luwak coffee/civet coffee or not. The most disadvantaged people about this condition is us, as end user. So inevitably we should know about this very well.  We don’t want expand so much money to buy kopi luwak coffee in elsewhere and then after we taste it we found it’s.. fake.

Like my friends experience who’s just bought kopi luwak coffee at Semarang Airport. The price was quite expensive for me ($50 for 100 gr). But when he tried at his home, he found that the coffee’s taste  is stale, just as same as ordinary cheap coffee which sold at mini-stores nearby. That damn experience which I wish  will not happen to you.

The characteristic you must know about how to differentiate authentic and fake kopi luwak coffee / civet coffee are below:
  1. First, you should know that to experience best kopi luwak coffee  is by drinking it by yourself and compare with other ordinary coffee.   Hence you will find the difference taste of kopi luwak coffee and ordinary black coffee.  The taste is definitely better.
  2. The color of green bean kopi luwak coffee is different from ordinary. Green bean of civet coffee is full uniformity of yellowish green, while the color of ordinary green bean is oldies green.
  3. Kopi luwak coffee smells different neither smells in green bean or roasted bean. It’s definitely that kopi luwak has more fragrant aroma. Kopi luwak green bean smells like pandan leaves fragrant. While the regular coffee, smells rather stale a bit like the smell of rice. Meanwhile, after kopi luwak green bean roasted, the smell of civet coffee could fill one house since the fragrant smell was very strong, while ordinary coffee aroma is only filling one room. Regarding to this issue, for giving you only the best kopi luwak in the world, at ORIGANO we have after-nose test as our standard of procedure before packing.
  4. Still about the green bean of kopi luwak, it doesn’t have black spots on its surface micro seeds while ordinary coffee has. But this circumstances only can be seen using microscopes.
  5. There’s more. Cuticle of kopi luwak green bean can be easily dislodged. While the ordinary coffee is pretty difficult to be removed.
  6. The taste of kopi luwak coffee is well suited for those who’s frequently drinking mix coffee. The bitter is reduced, richer flavor, with caramel flavor, thick like syrup, and full body. While this maximum taste can be reached with right portion and condition which can you explore here.  At ORIGANO, we always have a cup of kopi luwak coffee to taste as a sample.  This is another of our standard of procedure before packing. It’s just to ensure us that only the best kopi luwak coffee we offer to you.
  7. One more thing. Usually after drinking ordinary coffee people used to get urinate or poop.  But it won’t happen with 100% real kopi luwak except you’ve just drank million litter of water.
  8. Feel sore stomach after drinking kopi luwak coffee? Well, it’s definitely false kopi luwak coffee you have.
Most customers say that after drinking ORIGANO kopi luwak coffee, they don’t get thirsty, while after drinking ordinary coffee they get easily thirsty.

The Scent is So Tempting!!

Harumnya begitu menggugah selera. Serasi dengan rasanya yang begitu kaya. Perpaduan rasa ringan, legit dengan keasaman yang tepat. Kopi luwak origano juga begitu terjaga kesegarannya, digiling dan di kemas sesaat setelah dipesan. MUST TRY ITEM!!

Yang jual juga ramah, responnya cepat dan sangat membantu!

Cindy - PR of Restylane Indonesia

The scent is so tempting. Well with such a rich taste. The combination of mild flavor, sweet with the right acidity. Kopi Luwak ORIGANO also has fresh taste, different with other brand of kopi luwak. AN ITEM THAT MUST TRY!

The seller is also so friendly, quick respond and helpful!

Cindy - PR of Restylane Indonesia

Other Testimony:

Cara Membuat Secangkir Kopi Luwak yang Pas!

Kita lupakan saja French Press, drip coffee, espresso machine, dan perkakas lainnya sebentar. Kalau kita masih pemula ingin menikmati citarasa kopi luwak ORIGANO maksimal tapi gak punya alat-alat diatas, bisa kok tetap bisa menikmati kopi termahal didunia ini dengan cara yang benar.  (benar maksudnya, tidak keenceran, tidak kekentalan, dan lain sebagainya).

Berikut step-stepnya:
  1.  Masukan sachet kopi luwak ORIGANO yang berukuran 10 gr atau 1 sampai 1 setengah sendok makan (penuh, jangan diratakan) ke cangkir kopi ukuran kecil (kira-kira 150 cc sampai 200 cc)
  2. Masukan air mendidih (minimal 95 derajat C)
  3. Tambahkan gula, maksimal 2 sendok teh.
  4. Lalu aduk searah jarum jam.
  5. Tutup cangkir selama kurang lebih 3 sampai 5 menit.
  6. Buka tutup cangkir, hirup dalam-dalam aromanya (saat-saat ini adalah merupakah salah satu momen-momen terindah di dunia, karena wanginya ga karuan. ;P )
  7. Seruput kopi pelan-pelan dan rasakan kenikmatannya yang tiada tara. :)
Real 'Freshest' Kopi Luwak